AKU surpassed all my expectations


Our son’s long-standing interest in crafting quality knives led us to AK University. After he completed his college degree and specialty certificate program, we fulfilled our promise and sent him to learn from the renowned knife maker Andreas Kalani. Parker’s experience was exceptional, and he created a stunning custom knife. Impressed, I decided to attend [...]

From Woodworking to Blade Mastery, My Journey with AK UNIVERSITY


My journey with AK UNIVERSITY began with my long-standing interest in metalwork, fueled by my background in woodworking and sharpening hand tools. My recent involvement in martial arts, especially with edged weapons, combined with my passion for fishing, camping, and cooking, made AKU's knife-making classes the perfect fit. Watching YouTube videos about metalworking only further [...]

A Transformative Knife-Making Experience with Andreas


Andreas helped guide me in learning the craft of knife-making. The learning vibe was very hands-on, with examples of Andreas's work to demonstrate what works and what doesn't. Learning from someone with so much experience has inspired me to pursue a craft that interests me deeply. Understanding why certain techniques are used and being told [...]

From Curiosity to Craftsmanship: My Journey at AK UNIVERSITY


I work in an environment where I am constantly around knives of all kinds, and over time, I became increasingly interested in their artistic aspects and practical uses. This curiosity led me to AK UNIVERSITY, where I hoped to learn the basics and eventually add my own twist to knife-making. While I haven't mastered the [...]

The learning environment at AKU struck a perfect balance between relaxed vibes and high productivity


I have been intrigued by the art of crafting knives for quite some time, but I lacked the guidance to begin. My desire was to grasp the fundamental techniques under the tutelage of a skilled instructor, and AKU provided the perfect platform for this endeavor. Working closely with an experienced knife maker allowed me to [...]

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